Week 10:
As I am writing this post (incredibly behind schedule, I know, but I'm trying!) I am currently watching Gossip Girl...... and OMG - it has changed my life. I've been watching it since the end of May and I'm on season 5 already, and it has taken over my life. It is literally all I think about but I guess that's when you know you've found a goodun!
This week there was no physiotherapy's I had 2 rounds of it last week, but I made sure I stayed as active as I could despite the lack of gym time. There were also a few slip ups this week that will be explained later on :(
My final ever A Level exams are fast approaching and that means that I am spending my life revising and stressing! (this is why the next few posts are slightly behind schedule) I can't wait until they are all over and then I can fully focus on rehabbing my knee and continuing to make it stronger, without having to feel guilty that I should be revising.
I think that's one of the worst things about college; the feeling of guilt you get when you're not revising or doing some sort of work for college. It holds you back from doing so many things, and also it makes you feel like poop. *sigh* Rant over.
This week I had a few slip ups, and by "slip ups" I mean stupidity on my behalf :(
The first mishap came when I was carrying something down the stairs and my foot (on my good leg) slipped off of a step, which resulted in me slamming my other foot (on my bad leg) down to steady myself. This ended with me sitting on the stairs in tears from the pain that was caused. I guess that it was just such a sudden movement that my knee wasn't prepared for and it was just my body's reaction to put my foot down - even though it would be painful. I did, however, get over this pain after having some Ibuprofen and rest.
The second mishap happened when I was round my friend's house and eating breakfast. I wasn't too used to the surroundings, and I stupidly hit my bad knee on a table leg. And you know when you get that sort of pain that winds you for like 5 minutes? Yeah, this was that type of pain! I hit it right on a scar and the pain was unbelievable. So I then spent the remainder of the day with a bag of frozen sweetcorn on my knee. I think it hurt so bad because it was right on a scar, where the tissue is still trying to heal itself - so it may have just upset that a little bit.
On the plus side, my 5 Seconds of Summer tickets arrived :D With 11 days to spare the tickets finally came through! It'll be a nice outcome after all I've been through this year.
I have also emailed the venue to see what they can do about moving my seats, as they are extremely high up - with little leg room - and I would actually like to be able to see without having to stand up the whole time aha! So I'll have to wait and see how that all turns out.
So this week has been a slow week in terms of progression with my knee. But not all weeks are going to be an uphill climb, and I think that is so important to remember when going through something like this. Just because things haven't gone so well one week, it doesn't mean all weeks will be like this. And "things get worse before they get better" :)
If you would like to read my experience of my other weeks post-op, then you can find those blog posts here.
Feel free to leave me a comment if you've been through this (because I could use all of the advice and knowledge), or if you just feel like leaving a comment :)
Stay positive and keep on being you x
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