Monday, 2 January 2017

A Concert With A Knee Injury

The limited edition poster for the
Wembley shows
Hello Everyone :)
For the readers that are familiar with my blog, you will know that I had knee surgery in the last 3 months, but for those of you who aren't too familiar I'll give a little bit of background information.
So about 10 months ago I tore something called the ACL. This is the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and it basically prevents over-rotation in the knee, and allows you to be able to run, jump and change direction suddenly. After an accident at gymnastics, I tore this, and 3 months ago I had surgery to fix it. The rehab process is rather extensive and takes around 9 months to just about get back to normal - so going to a concert, I was obviously very sceptical!

5 Seconds Of Summer are one of my favourite bands ever and they've put on a damn good live show every time I've seen them - which is 4 times now ;) They are just so energetic and excited on stage that the audience vibe off them, and have the best night ever!
And this time was no different....

Ahead of my attendance at the concert, I emailed Wembley Arena (where it was being held) about potentially moving my seats. This is because my seats were incredibly high up in the arena - and as I was going to be on crutches, I needed lots of leg room, which would not have been possible in my original seats.
They got back to me and told me that I had to print off the email and then on the day of the concert report to the Box Office to see what they could do. As this was left on rather an ambiguous note, I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I knew that I obviously had to go!
I left that whole situation alone as there was nothing more I could do for now, so I started to prepare for the concert!

My VERY excitable countdown ;)
Once the day had arrived (the 12th June 2015), it was like a dream come true! After 337 days of waiting, the day had finally arrived and I was very blooming excited!
I spent the day in and around London as I had some time to kill and the weather managed to stay dry *hooray* so that was a bonus. Although the tube was rather difficult at rush hour and with me being on crutches, people weren't always the kindest...
But this couldn't dim the amount of excitement that I had for what was to come.
Wembley Arena :)
On my arrival at the venue (which is bloody beautiful, may I add), we headed straight to the Box Office - I got there about 1 hour before the doors opened just to give myself enough time to sort things out. Here, I showed the woman the email and she took my old tickets and exchanged them for brand spanking new ones.... WHICH WERE MUCH CLOSER THAN MY OTHER ONES AND I HAD LOADS OF LEG ROOM, HELL YEAH! We were also at the front of our section, so it meant that no one would be in my way of seeing the 5SOS lads if I needed to sit down. I was honestly so so thankful that it actually worked out for the best, and I'd be able to get a better look at 5SOS ;)
All hyped up and happy, I then crutched my way over to the merch stand (which was outside), where a woman who worked at Wembley told me the queue inside was much smaller and it may be easier considering I'm on crutches. So inside I went, and I got all of my merch and whatnot, then me and my sister sat down until the doors were open.
Once we had sat down another woman who worked at Wembley approached us and asked us if we wanted to go up to the Rewards/VIP lounge for free as they had some upgrade tickets left, and it may have been more comfortable for my knee. So of course we said yes! This woman was super nice and she showed us where we'd have to go in to the arena, and was asking us about 5SOS too and how to pronounce their abbreviated name aha ;) The lounge was super nice and comfy and it was great to be away from all of the madness!
Then 6:30 came along and it was time to take our seats in the arena....
Living that VIP life ;)
Ok this post turned out to be way longer than I anticipated, so I'm going to split this post into 2 halves ;) This half is more of an appraisal to Wembley Arena as they were so lovely to me and really catered for my needs so that I could have a great night. I'm honestly so thankful for their service and kindness! But the next post will include LOADS more about 5SOS and the actual show itself, so look out for that!
Leave me a comment if you've been to see 5 Seconds Of Summer before, or if you're going to see them because I would love to hear about it.
Stay positive and keep on being you x

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